Friday, October 24, 2008

The Best Idea To End Ablaze! Ever ( And With Honor!)

Scott Diekmann over at one of my favorite blogs; Stand Firm, has one of the best ideas to end the Ablaze! prog…eh, movement with honor so that we may put this divisive era of evangelism to an end.

I’m not going to give away his solution which means you’ll have to and read his great post.

I’ll give away this much however, in the past year it’s been determined that counting critical events can be done by determining the ratings of a TV show produced by synod entities and counting the number of viewers that may have watched the show.

What is a “critical event” and how can that be counted you ask? Well, according to the Ablaze! website’s definition a critical event is defined as;

When one person gives a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to another person, so that there is an opportunity for that person to respond, this activity “counts” toward the 100 million goal.

Now the question becomes; how can we count a response to a TV show if we are not there to hear a response? It doesn’t matter. As the Ablaze! movement moves forward it evolves and now we count what we count. We need to work with what we have which segues back into my original point; read Scott’s post “Ablaze Numbers With Honor”.

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