Monday, December 01, 2008

Denmark’s Successful Eugenics Program Reduces Down's Syndrome Births By Half

According to the British Medical Journal, Denmark’s pre-natal screening program has halved the number of babies with Down's Syndrome. The new national screening ”also resulted in a sharp decline in the number of chorionic villus samplings and amniocenteses carried out, even before full implementation of the policy.”

So what were the by the numbers results? Read the published results from the study;

The number of infants born with Down’s syndrome decreased from 55-65 per year during 2000-4 to 31 in 2005 and 32 in 2006. The total number of chorionic villus samplings and amniocenteses carried out decreased from 7524 in 2000 to 3510 in 2006. The detection rate in the screened population in 2005 was 86% and in 2006 was 93%.

The number of parents that had to bear the burden of unwanted children was halved! No longer will the parents have to be concerned with a child who will need lifelong care and supervision, which of course would be a drain on family (and the state).

That’s what I call a successful program. By the way, just so we're all on the same page here, let’s all call a thing what it is; the name for this is eugenics. And just in case you missed it, all this reported success, this is before the full implementation of what will be a nation program. This is sickening and unholy!

Read more from the full study here.


Anonymous said...

If Denmark has only reduced the rate in half, they're doing better than the US (or many other countries that screen). The stats I've seen say that 9 out of 10 Down's children are aborted in the US. 95% are aborted in Spain (a country with a strong Roman Catholic heritage).

More than that, other factors are being taken into consideration by parents to be---look at China, where they have 113 males to every 100 females, meaning that people are selecting children by sex. Of course, in China you can only have one kid, so better make it one with the best earning potential and that can continue the family lineage, goes the thinking. Of course, even in countries in the West, where people are concerned with planning their families to be exactly how they have pictured them, this kind of thing can be going on too.

Scott Adle

Frank Gillespie said...

Scott, I remember after the nomination of Sarah Palin seeing those stats. What floored me with this study is that they targeted a specific birth defect. That’s why I used the word eugenics. I’m not giving the folks here in the US (and certainly not China) a pass here but Denmark has found a new way to turn my stomach.