Not sure what to give that favorite sister, daughter, or significant other? Why not lift their spirits with gift of an abortion?
Nothing says Merry Christmas like a Planned Parenthood gift certificate.
From the FOXNews story;
Planned Parenthood said the stocking-stuffers — that range in value from $25 to $100 and can be ordered online — are redeemable for health services at clinics throughout the two states and can go to any service offered. "We decided not to put restrictions on the gift certificates, so it’s for whatever people feel they need the services for most," Struben-Hall said.
Read the whole story here.
Update: Aaron D. Wolf does a much better job than me of dealing with this repulsive story over here at Chronicles. Thanks to Herr Benjamin Ulledalen for bringing the article to my attention!
Herr Wolf weighs in on this and "genital jihad "over at Chronicles:
makes me ashamed to be from the state of illinois
Best to give the gift certificate to the unborn child. That way it will never get used.
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