Monday, May 01, 2006

A Great Post At Incarnatus Est

I found a great post this past weekend over at Incarnatus Est. Pastor Paul Gregory Alms in North Carolina asks the question "Can you love thy neighbor but deport him, too?" His answer is yes, and put him in jail, give him a traffic ticket, a detention in school, and even execute him. With illegal immigrants demanding the rights citizens enjoy in protests across the country today, his thoughts on living in both God's earthly kingdom as citizens, as well as the heavenly kingdom as the priesthood of all believers are welcome as far as I'm concerned.


ancient clown said...

Please understand I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking, and sharing. The term "illegal immigrants" is a term created by the 'liars, murders, and thieves' of the country you are in was it not? Unless I missed something where GOD gave the 'United States' a piece of LAND seperate from the rest of GOD's GREEN EARTH. They are only a people who does not know how to share in GOD's love.

I think this question best sums up what I'm asking;
"Do you live as CAIN or ABEL?
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

p.s. here's The BIBLE---Ancient Version.

Frank Gillespie said...

So clown, do you want folks in your country that choose to ignore laws? In this country, right or wrong (it makes no difference for this discussion) we have set up laws that say there is a prescribed way of entering the country and obtaining citizenship. Those that choose to break those laws are subject to the penalties that, once again, the law prescribes.
If I choose to exceed the posted speed limit on the highway I should not be shocked if I'm given a ticket and fined.

ancient clown said...

I'm hip to your jive Frank...mean people suck, but by the same token so does unrighteousness. Furthermore, we need to address the PROPER terminology. GOD made makes rules. The LAWS were made from a perspective of LOVE & FREEDOM. Man's rules are made from a perspective of FEAR & GREED.

Vast difference there, but it matters little because both come back to the same thing...FREE WILL.
GOD let's you use it and man doesn't. Kinda like building cars and making it illegal to use them, (unless you're rich enough).
There are those who are unable to control themselves so seek to control others instead, but I'll leave you this link just to leave you laughing.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown