Thursday, April 13, 2006

More On The "Gospel" Of Judas

I've heard two people in three days say that "the Bible was just written by men so who can really say what's the truth." I knew this would happen as soon as I heard the first news story reporting someone had found the"lost" "gospel of Judas. This is to be expected I guess in today's post modern society where all things are true except that which is true.

There are several good posts on this subject in the Lutheran blogosphere. Pastor McCain over at Cyberbrethern has another entry with this post. Pastor Scott Stiegemeyer at Burr in the Burgh has two more posts here and here. Robert Hunter over at The Heresy Hunter has two of his own here and here. But my favorite entry is still "The gospel of ignorance" by Mollie Ziegler at Get Religion.

And if you really want to read the Gnostic text itself and find out why the Church fathers spoke against this ancient heresy go to this link to read the "gospel" of Judas.

1 comment:

Whey Lay said...

The reporting on the "Gospel of Judas" is amazing. All the major 24 hour cable news shows were running hourly pieces this week. To tickle men's ears.
Last night at Good Friday service we read from the Gospel of John, and there it was. "I have spoken openly to the world," Jesus replied. "I always taught in synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. John 18:20.
Re-assurance from our Lord, on the night of his betrayal.
ALso thanks for the link to Heresy Hunter.