I was shocked and dismayed to hear Pastor Todd Wilken, the host of Issues, Etc., support restructuring on yesterday’s show. At about the eighteen minute mark of Friday’s Soundbite of the Week segment Pr. Wilken begins a passive aggressive rant where he proposes a new regime, a one man rule, governed by him and him alone as he now feels that Craig and Jeff have entirely too much say.
This is almost too much to bear. We the listeners loved the old show precisely because it lacked the bylaws and regulations that would have only prevented the proclamation of a clear Gospel message in today’s postmodern world by the tyrannical oversight of bureaucrats. When the show was resurrected, I for one, thought that the team who brought the very best Christ centered, cross focused programming would continue with a system that worked.
What we need to do now is to continuously pray for Pr. Wilken that he has not been turned to the dark side or been replaced by a life model decoy (for those of you not in the “know” a LMD is a programmable automaton which may be used to replace an individual without the knowledge of those around him or her, usually for nefarious purposes) while undergoing “reconditioning” at some undisclosed international center.
These are fearful times my friends, fearful times.
Note: I'll post the audio segment if and when it becomes available.
Update: An old friend of mine was able to email me the uncensored, unedited, and I would argue incriminating MP3 of what we both agree is “Wilken’s insane rant” on Saturday but I wasn’t able to upload the thing until this morning. I still have no idea how to embed an MP3 so I had to figure out how to put a video together. I apologize for the quality of the video but it was the best I could do on short notice folks.
I thought that segment was hilarious. I laughed out loud. One can imagine the frustration.
You crazy Lutherans with all of your denominational problems. :)
It's the Wilken Plan, on steroids.
I'm a few days behind - I'll have to go find that clip.
LMD ...
Bringing back memories of the Nick Fury vs. SHIELD "restructuring" series.
saxoniae wins a noprize! F
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