Sadly, it seems like old times…sadly.
There is a plethora of post concerning LCMS, Inc.’s opposition to the Issues, Etc. trademark being acquired in spite of the fact that over ten years ago they abandoned the trademark and almost a year ago terminated the program for reasons that have shifted depending on whom was speaking and what press release was being read.
The thing that is different this time around is that there is evidence that LCMS president Jerry Kieschnick is actively involved with a team of four lawyers, paid for with your monies folks!, in the threat of a lawsuit against two men that head the resurrected show that LCMS, Inc. has stated they want nothing further to do with. Hmm, I thought President Kieschnick thought that lawsuits were a bad thing that church folks should never engage in... interesting isn't it?
In no particular order;
Chris Rosebrough has three posts up at Extreme Theology; the first being Pirate Christian Radio is Sailing Circles Around KFUO AM , the second post is titled Kieschnick's Real Motives and finally the third post is An Open Letter to the LCMS Board of Directors.
Eric over at On the Wittenberg Trail has a post dealing with the Mr. Madsen's Answer in the Alternative to the LCMS's opposition to his application for the "Issues, Etc." trademark with God Bless Harry Madsen!
Scott Diekmann over at Stand Firm has a bunch of good posts with The Drama Continues and Wilken & Schwarz on the Trademark Dispute.
The Brothers of John the Steadfast have several posts by a variety of authors;
It's OK to Bring Lawsuits--When They Suit You, by Pr. Charles Henrickson
Getting Tied Up in Our Legal Briefs - Issues Etc Trademark Filing Information, by Norm Fisher
Motion from Rev. Joseph Fisher to End Synod's Battle for the Trademark
Two of many Issues, Etc. questions (Mollie)
I’ll do my best to try and keep Putting Out The Fire updated as much as often as I can. It’s the least I can do until President Kieschnick decides to send Ablaze! funded legal teams to shut the firehouse down…
There is a plethora of post concerning LCMS, Inc.’s opposition to the Issues, Etc. trademark being acquired in spite of the fact that over ten years ago they abandoned the trademark and almost a year ago terminated the program for reasons that have shifted depending on whom was speaking and what press release was being read.
The thing that is different this time around is that there is evidence that LCMS president Jerry Kieschnick is actively involved with a team of four lawyers, paid for with your monies folks!, in the threat of a lawsuit against two men that head the resurrected show that LCMS, Inc. has stated they want nothing further to do with. Hmm, I thought President Kieschnick thought that lawsuits were a bad thing that church folks should never engage in... interesting isn't it?
In no particular order;
Chris Rosebrough has three posts up at Extreme Theology; the first being Pirate Christian Radio is Sailing Circles Around KFUO AM , the second post is titled Kieschnick's Real Motives and finally the third post is An Open Letter to the LCMS Board of Directors.
Eric over at On the Wittenberg Trail has a post dealing with the Mr. Madsen's Answer in the Alternative to the LCMS's opposition to his application for the "Issues, Etc." trademark with God Bless Harry Madsen!
Scott Diekmann over at Stand Firm has a bunch of good posts with The Drama Continues and Wilken & Schwarz on the Trademark Dispute.
The Brothers of John the Steadfast have several posts by a variety of authors;
It's OK to Bring Lawsuits--When They Suit You, by Pr. Charles Henrickson
Getting Tied Up in Our Legal Briefs - Issues Etc Trademark Filing Information, by Norm Fisher
Motion from Rev. Joseph Fisher to End Synod's Battle for the Trademark
Two of many Issues, Etc. questions (Mollie)
I’ll do my best to try and keep Putting Out The Fire updated as much as often as I can. It’s the least I can do until President Kieschnick decides to send Ablaze! funded legal teams to shut the firehouse down…
1 comment:
Between everything that the LCMS has been through just in the five years I have been around, and this latest deal with the trademark suing, I have to ask.....why are we even trying to "fix" this beast?
I know, I know, people have connections because of family. But even after the pastor's conference I attended at my church I thought about this. (Great points were made regarding that vague "Walking Together" info sheet, which I also agreed with, etc....)
But I have to ask....is any of this going to change? If the synod has truly been going to heck slowly over the time I have been alive, what is everyone trying to do exactly? Change the minds of the majority (who apparently feel this is A-OK?)
Just asking. ;-)
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