Sunday, January 18, 2009

Today’s Quote Of The Day

Today’s quote of the day comes from my favorite west coast firefly; Lutheran Lucciola, in her post Christian Freedom Versus Pietistic:

But I have to call "BS" on some Lutherans tendency to over accentuate and glorify themselves. While Lutheran piety usually doesn't fall in the "no alcohol" category, it has a strong tendency to smell like the stale, beer soaked floor of a saloon, regardless.

I personally don't wish to see my "tally" sheet of sin. Why others wish to flaunt theirs, is beyond me. What a backdoor that opens up.


Lutheran Lucciola said...

Wow, thanks, Frank!

It's a topic I would love to keep discussing off and on, too, so let me know if you have any other opinions about it later.

That firefly picture is fantastic. Love those little buggers.


Frank Gillespie said...

In explaining Christian liberty I’ve on more than one occasion “over accentuated”that liberty. In doing so, I’ve come across as someone that needs to have “BS” called as I didn’t present myself as Christ would want. Too often I done this through hyperbole with my Baptist neighbors who insist that alcohol is forbidden in Scripture. Guilty as charged.