Monday, March 16, 2009

Relevant Youth Ministry, Not!

I just saw a link to this hilarious video over at Steadfast Lutherans pointing out a great video posted over at Rev. Paul McCain’s Cyberbrethren and had to pass it on for everyone's enjoyment.

For the record, this is not how youth ministry is done at my congregation. If I ever tried to be this “relevant,” our kids would rightly run me off the property.


Big Doofus (Roger) said...

Thanks, Frank. I loved this so much. I sent it to my fried who is also the Youth Minister at our church. I know he's going to appreciate this.

Kelly Klages said...

I have to say that I empathized a little too *eerily* with Kelly, the 28-year-old youth leader with a 2-year-old...

Elephantschild said...

I loved the "Kelly" character. Our congregation could use a youth leader like her!

longeyemoose said...

...almost like it was made with you in mind...