Dan over at Necessary Roughness has a great series of posts that he calls “Time Out” which are sort of like a shortened audio version of the Treasury of Daily Prayer. Cool eh?
In the introduction to the series Dan explained what he was going for;
“Time Out” will be a reading from Scripture, the Book of Concord, or church fathers. Following that will be one or two hymns, as “live” and as fresh as I can make it. One might think of it as melodic sushi — perhaps some cutting, but no cooking. I am open to submissions from other musicians, provided that hymns are in the public domain and don’t contain any doctrinal errata. I would love to have performances with and from people I meet on the road.
So take a Time Out yourself and give Dan’s audio posts a try and I’d be willing to bet dollars to doughnuts that you’ll enjoy his reading of Scripture and the doctrine of historic Christianity as well as his singing of beautiful Christ filled hymns.
And here is the newest edition Time Out Part 6
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