The Scripture reading for this episode is Psalm 46 and Revelation 19:11-21 and the hymn is “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” found on page 656 in the Lutheran Service Book.
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God by Dr. Luther is considered the battle hymn of the reformation and it is usually sung on Reformation Day which commemorates Martin Luther nailing his ninety-five theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church in which he laid out the abuses of the Roman church’s selling of indulgences.
Dan treats us to a bit of commentary on the end of the third verse when he writes:
At the end of the third verse, the lyric is, “one little word can fell him (Satan).” We dropped the volume on the phrase, and I almost sing-song-taunted the line. What little word fells Satan? There’s no official answer. Some have said, “Jesus”; others have said, “Liar!” “Jesus” works, but “Liar” is great because it goes to the core of the problem of the devil. He is the deceiver. He doesn’t care if we believe in him, just that we don’t believe that Christ died to save us. The Pharisees of the New Testament time didn’t worship Satan outright, and yet they were of their father, the devil (John 8:39-47).
He’s judged. The deed is done. Amen.
Be sure to stop by, say howdy, and thank Dan for doing such a great job on Time Out, Episode 37!
Previous Time Out episodes:
Time Out Episode 32
Time Out Episode 33
Time Out Episode 34
Time Out Episode 35
Time Out Episode 36
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