Thursday, September 24, 2009

No More Pancakes! Or… A Hymn Of Hope

There are few things better than a hymn that confesses our hope in the last day when all things of this world will pass away and our Lord will create a new heaven and a new earth for our resurrected bodies. I loves me my hymns of the eschaton.

Now, some may view the embedded video and think that I’m just gonna have a field day and only make fun of this “Breakfast Son”; that is not the case. Nope, mocking such a video is for angry bloggers and as we all know, I’m about the most cheerful chap you’d ever want to meet.

I actually like the darned thing because of the hope it confesses. Sure, some may lament that there may or may not be bacon and oatmeal in heaven but I think there is something deeper going on here. First, the bacon in the song is clearly a metaphor for the curse of the Law that will pass away. Second, all things must pass away and we should sing joyfully of this great truth!

And most importantly, even if there is no eggs benedict or French toast in heaven, then at least we have the comfort that the scourge of both the Advent and Lenten dinners hosted by men’s fellowship’ groups all across the country wont be there either, that’s right folks; pancakes.

I love both the penitential seasons of the Advent and Lent and the dinners that precede the midweek services almost as much. But, why somebody hasn’t just come right out and said that inflicting pancakes filled with M&Ms and raisins on the congregations of our beloved synod year after year after year is just plain wrong and simply beyond me.

So if we can sing of the joy to come; a heaven without pancakes thrust upon us for dinner because nobody want to upset the oldsters, then this Breakfast Song is a song of joy that I will gladly sing during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Whether there is bacon in heaven matters not as long as our songs sing of an eternity without pancakes.

Now, who do I call to get this song put in the LSB supplement?

1 comment:

Dan @ Necessary Roughness said...

I'm sorry, I just stopped at "No Mo' Bacon." I'm pretty sure there's bacon in heaven, we just won't kill for it. :)