Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Quote of The Week From A Friend On Facebook

Today’s quote of the week is from one of my friends on Facebook commenting on the recent passage and signing of the health care reform bill:

________________ As a Christian, I am sad that the government is legislating mercy for the poor and sick. We should be doing more of that.

'Nuff said.


5 Kids With Disabilities said...

Unfortunately, most of the people in the medical insurance field do not see their jobs pertaining to the good of the people. If the government doesn't do it, it may not get done at all!
Lindsey Petersen

Frank Gillespie said...

“Unfortunately, most of the people in the medical insurance field do not see their jobs pertaining to the good of the people.”

Lindsey, I agree, the insurance companies are looking out for their stockholders! What I am agreeing 100% with my friend on is that we as Christians should be doing more concerning acts of mercy and not looking to the government to do it. It’s not, at least constitutionally, the job of the government to be doing things that we as christians are specifically called to do; i.e. taking care of the poor or sick. If we leave it up to the government we shouldn’t be surprisecd when they do it poorly as has been done for several generations.