"Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition." That's how the Kansas City Star starts the story on the video game coming out based on the Left Behind series by Tim F. LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins.
Left Behind: Eternal Forces allows the gamer to convert the different charactors to Christianity. If the charactors don't want to just make that decision for Jesus, well then it's just peachy keen to go ahead and shoot them dead. In the multiplayer games, participants can choose to command the Antichrist’s forces.
Here's a quote from the article: "In the game, Tribulation squads unleash the usual arsenal against the Antichrist: guns, tanks, helicopters. But soldiers lose some of their spirituality every time they kill an opponent and must be bolstered through prayer. The failure to nurture good guys causes their spirit points to drop, leaving them vulnerable to recruitment by the other side. The player’s choices prompt intervention by angelic forces or unleash demons who feast on the faithful. As players progress through the increasingly difficult levels, they see Scripture passages presented as secret scrolls and hear inspirational music."
In multiplayer games, participants can choose to command the Antichrist’s forces.
I wonder what brain child thought this would be a good idea? Better yet, who really thinks this nonsense will attract Christians? Isn't there already a glut of first person shooter games out there?
But ya know, if this sells even a couple copies, wouldn't it be a good idea to release Koran: Eternal Jihad. Now that's a game I would consider playing on the ole Gamesphere 2000! Wouldn't it be cool to play one of the archangles and start wiping out the Mohammadians. I'm mean, if its ok to play the role of the Antichrist and his forces, well it must be ok to, well you know...
There's enough fodder in this one little story that I could start writing full time. To read what I have previously written about deciding or making a choice for Jesus go here. It's ridiculous I know, but I can hear folks out there already thinking "God is just using these programers to reach the unchurched and show them the error of their ways". Oh great, now I'm thinking like these half wits! Blast!
HT: my niece Valerie
Heard about the Virginia Triumvirate? Falwell's Liberty University now has the Tim LaHaye School of Prophecy and also Thomas Ice as a professor. All three have almost sold their souls to the money-making pretribulation rapture which was born in Britain in 1830 and didn't captivate American evangelicalism much before 1909 - that's how recent a view it is, despite their repeated lies that it can be traced back to Christ! Want some insights into this trio? While Googling type in "Thomas Ice (Bloopers)" (he's the great "researcher" Falwell and LaHaye lean on!), "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" (the long-covered-up history of the inspiration for Lindsey's and LaHaye's bestsellers), and "Appendix F: Thou Shalt Not Steal" (why LaHaye etc. have permanent sunburns!). If you're fed up with hypocritical hucksters, pass this along. B.N.
It's very refreshing to read your blog. So much of the stuff on the web is written by crazies, and this can give a distorted picture.
Boy, I love it when the mentally unstable leave comments...
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