Friday, February 08, 2008

Nearest Book Meme

Emily over at Children Of God tagged me. Granted, she tagged me last week mind you but my work schedule has been a little hectic and I just got around to visiting her site. FYI, she’s an awesome read and it’s only my blogging laziness that I missed her post. Here's how I’m supposed to play:

1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag [five] people.

When an adult is baptized, however, it is not necessary for him to receive Confirmation, for he has already received instruction in the Christian faith.
If an infant was baptized in an emergency by a Christian lay person, this should be reported to the minister. And if the infant so baptized survives, it may be brought to church when the congregation is present, together with the person who baptized the child and the witnesses of the baptism. – Ceremony and Celebration by Paul H. D. Lang

This was one of the books I picked up at the bookstore at Concordia Theological Seminary during the annual symposia. While I have read it all the way through yet, I have thumbed through it a bit and gleaned several useful tidbits such as the proper method and explanation of crossing oneself found on page 65.

One caveat, this all assumes that Emily didn’t want the very first book that was closest to me which happened to be a technical manual for a piece of equipment that I was calibrating. If the above book was good enough, fine. If, Emily, for what ever reason, you really need to see the first book just let me know…

Finally, as most of you know, I don’t play tag. If you want to consider yourself tagged, feel free to leave your assignment in the comments section.

1 comment:

Emily H. said...

That technical manual might have been interesting too... maybe. :)
Thanks for playing - that's a good quote.