
Friday, April 21, 2006

Board Of Education Nomination

Unless there are nominations from the floor (not that this ever happens) of our May voters meeting it looks like I'll be the new chair for the Board of Education at church. I've been teaching the little ragamuffins in the high school class for four years now and have absolutely loved it! In my class we have taught everything from the Augustana to Revelation( the book of the Bible, not the kind of revelations that the head of the 600 Club: Pat Robertson says he gets from Jesus saying it would be a good idea to assassinate heads of state ). Heading the Board of Ed. should be fun even though I'm not the most organized individual on the planet.
Heck, maybe I can convince the parents to allow the opening to done in Latin like it should be. Oh, the possibilities...


  1. (Montgomery Burns voice)


    Teach basic Latin first, then ask for the Latin opening. :)

  2. Dan,
    (Montgomery Burns voice)
    That's C. Montgomery Burns to you, you commoner. Oh why do I bother talking to these little people? Smithers, when you done chatting it up with the pool boy, release the hounds! Yesss, the hounds, exxxxcellent.
    (back to Frank's real voice)
    Thanks for the comment Dan! It made my weekend...Exxxxcellent

  3. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Best regards from NY!
