Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Reason For Not Posting Lately

The reason I've not been able to post much lately is work. A couple of family members, friends, and coworkers have actually yelled at me for not posting. So, here's the reason: I've been fighting the good fight against the soulless dominion of corporate orthodoxy.

About a year ago I decided to no longer sell my soul for a buck. I no longer would feel obligated or pressure to lie (I remember my salesman saying "there are just things we can't say in front of the customer, even if they are true" no, that's not a lie) or even deceive a customer.

By changing jobs, I no longer have to protect my customers from the very company that I work for. I'm very lucky that I now have a great boss who sees the value of keeping a promise of quality to all customers, no matter what the size of the account. And I don't believe that it's just because his name is on the company's letterhead.

So, over the past week I've been taking care of my customers. At the same time I get to fight the soulless dominion of corporate orthodoxy that is my former company. Yes, it was a good week indeed. I'll just have to try to keep the site a little more updated.

Oh, the photo is from my last national sales and service meeting with the other company. I didn't think the picture would take because of that whole soulless thingy. But guess what....


MorningGlory said...

Talk about sucking up! Did you send this to the boss-man?


Frank Gillespie said...

Nope. I posted this secure in the knowledge that the boss-man will not be reading it!